Originally Posted by wagstaffe
In no particular order these are some of my thoughts on policies
In this particular order, (mainly because this is how you put your points forward).
Exporting peace through green technology,
Peace? At whom do you hope to aim that peace?
Green Technology is this going to be a practical version of green technology or some half baked rushed together with no proof of practicality or use green technology? Have you got the expertise to recognise useful green technology or are you going to rely on other 'experts'?
If so, how are you going to choose them?
Corruption Czar no golden handshakes with gags attached leading to better governance
I'll leave you to explain what you mean by that, it sounds like several spin words thrown into a bag shaken up & thrown onto a scrabble board.
Community and amenity plan/investment
What sort of Community/amenity/plan/investment?
If you don't tell us how can we know they will be the Community/amenity/plan/investment plans that we want?
What sort of peer group promotions?
Your Peer group? My Peer group? OUR Peer group?
According to Wiki:-
A peer group is a social group consisting of people who are equal in such respects as age, education or social class. Peer groups are an informal primary group of people who share a similar or equal status and who are usually of roughly the same age, tended to travel around and interact within the social aggregate[1] Members of a particular peer group often have similar interests and backgrounds, bonded by the premise of sameness.[2] However, some peer groups are very diverse, crossing social divides such as socioeconomic status, level of education, race, creed, culture, or religion.
We really need to know which Peer group, it might just be someone elses.
Yes, well, do you want to improve it, abolish it, give free tickets away for us to see it in action? a two word sentence isn't very informative.
Michelin style trade bodies for excellence
A quango by a different name is still a quango, for the ignorant such as myself, what is a
Michelin style trade bodies for excellence?
Please explain how this is a good thing by telling us what it is.
Energy accounting as opposed to carbon currency
This could perhaps have been used to pad out your thought's for, Exporting peace through green technology I can see a link between the two subjects.
As others have asked, Why?
Make banking boring, bring back mutuals and increase the scope for credit unions
Banking is boring, it is probably deliberately boring so that we won't read the small print.
Increase the scope of Credit Unions, how? And to who's advantage. (If it my advantage I would like to know).
Get leveridge from banking sector ie.
Threaten to set of bank of Britain up– people would flock to with their savings and mortgages give a choice right now in the current climate.
Without telling me what the difference between the Bank of Britain and the Bank of England and it's pals is, I for one am flocking nowhere.
All of these ideas would lead to better governance,
Perhaps they would, but if you don't give us any real detail of how they will, I know one vote your not even going to be considered for.
but not much money in it for the movers and shakers
Believe it or not we need movers & Shakers, without them the Country would neither move, nor shake, it would just stagnate.
I have over recent years sent letters to various newspapers with varying degrees of success. I have posted them to my blog where I have complete editorial control.
Published and unpublished, Wagstaffe's Blog
O.K. Writing letters is a good start having varying degrees of success is a nice human touch.
Good to know you have a blog, I won't be reading it just yet, I might do later depending on how you reply to this little post of mine, it is good of you to come on here and at least give us your idea of policies, that is more than some from other parties have done.
It gives a flavour of where I am coming from.
Well, not so much a flavour due to the very large amount of crust, (subjects), and very little meat, (explanations and expansions of said policies), I would and will have to say, (and it is only my opinion),
"You seem to come across half-baked and have some very low quality ingredients".
But what do I know?
I'm only a voter affiliated to no party trying to decide for whom I should vote.
Thank you, you have made that decision so much easier, best of luck with the rest of our communities voters.