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Old 07-02-2008, 23:13   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
All Those Hidden Moments

I am a bit suprised, I started a thread in nostalgia asking if anyone had Videos of the Ossy cloggers.

Ossy Cloggers Videos

So far no response, (I would have thought there are some ex-Cloggers on here), anyway, I have the hardware & software gathered together that enables me to copy edit & save little pieces of history from vhs Cassettes onto D.V.D.

As It happens most of the tapes I had got ruined by damp.

However I've enjoyed copying & editing the tapes I have had and would like to offer a chance to any that might find it useful.

If You have any vhs tapes you would like converting to DVD I will do the job for you.

Hey up, money calls, you think,

Well actually no, I have only one personal vhs tape that survived, and there isn't a great deal I can learn from editing that!

So, if you have any tapes, weddings, Christenings, Birthdays, that you don't want to lose because technology has moved on......

Could I possibly borrow them?

I will return the original tape and a copy of it, (so that if you don't like how I've mucked about with it you still have a copy). and my version would basically be removing the times when the camera was facing the wall or the floor or some other object.

If the idea of getting a few memories shifted from one technology to another, (without the effort of doing it yourself), suits you, please P.M. me

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Accrington Web
Old 07-02-2008, 23:42   #2
Resident Waffler

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Re: All Those Hidden Moments

I've got several Less and I would love them to be put on DVD if you really wouldn't mind doing that. Many feature my late husband and the girls when they were little.

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Old 27-02-2008, 18:54   #3
Resident Waffler

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Re: All Those Hidden Moments

Thanks Less for transferring all our ancient memories onto DVD. We've had fun watching and remembering and recognising people from years ago - also laughing at some of the daft things we said and did.

These are brilliant and we owe you a pint at the next AccyWeb do!

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