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Welcome to Accrington Web!

We are a discussion forum dedicated to the towns of Accrington, Oswaldtwistle and the surrounding areas, sometimes referred to as Hyndburn! We are a friendly bunch please feel free to browse or read on for more info.
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  • 6 Post By Mick
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Old 02-04-2007, 06:07   #1
Resting in Peace

Mick's Avatar

Exclamation Forum Rules and Information


Registration means that you accept the forum rules. These rules are not meant to be exhaustive and we reserve the right to alter users posts and other information if we feel it doesn’t fit in with our purpose; "To be a fun, safe and friendly forum for relevant discussion on the subjects covered".
Although the volunteer Forum Staff of this website will attempt to keep all objectionable content of this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages.
All messages express the view of the author and the owners of this website will not be held responsible for the content of any messages or information shown. By registering on this website, you are claiming responsibility for the information you add to this website and that you accept and understand the forum rules below:

You must register on this site with a valid e-mail address. Otherwise, you will not receive your email address validation email which will be sent to you while registering and your account won’t be activated.

This website does not sell, rent or trade user information and will always maintain high security to ensure users data is kept private and confidential on the forums. This site is hosted by a private company which uses the latest security methods to ensure data is kept safe. Therefore, this site is not responsible for any leak of information provided by users of this website. Please ensure you do not post personal information and e-mail addresses on the forums for others to see.

We want to make the forum interesting, entertaining, informative & fun.
This is a general forum, representing the Accrington area. As such, we need to keep it as friendly & inviting as possible, and for it to be a good representation of the people who live here.

Forum Rules

1. You are only allowed one account per person. Using more than one account could result in both being banned.

2. Abusing other members of this website is not allowed. Debates are welcome but must not become personal or target another member.

3. Posts that are just insulting or nasty are not allowed on this website.

4. Posting copyrighted material is not allowed and by doing so you run the risk of legal action from the owner of such material.

5. Advertising a website, business, product or service is not allowed unless permission has been given by the Forum Staff.

6. If you feel a post is not correct or someone’s actions or comments have upset you, you must not start an argument in the forums. Instead, send a Private Message or E-mail to the user and speak to them directly. You must not question the Forum Staff’s actions within the forums but communicate via Private Message or E-mail. The Forum Staff have the final say in all actions that they have taken.

7. Posting malicious content is not allowed. You must not post anything that you know that if opened or visited by another user causes their computer or system to experience problems.

8. No nudity or swearing is allowed on this website unless in a specific forum limited to people over the age of 18. The forum moderators will decide what is considered to be swearing.

9. Posts must be made in the correct forums. Specific forums like anything goes, are available for users to post off-topic posts so please use them if required. Threads must remain on topic.

10. Any messages posted on this forum must be done so in clear English. Using any other language is not allowed and Text Speak or "txt spk" or abbreviations are not acceptable. Please do not post in all capitals and avoid multiple font, colours and sizes as it makes your post difficult to read for some members.

11. Users must make only one post on the same subject. Posting the same information in multiple forums is not allowed. You may post something similar to another post if it has not been discussed or used for a reasonable time period.

12. Each registered member has the option of uploading none copyrighted images into our gallery. They are permitted to create personal or private albums in the ‘Members Gallery’ section which can be edited by them at any time. Any questions or concerns then please contact one of the moderators.

13. All jokes, funny or silly topics to be kept to the Anything Goes section.

14. No "adult" jokes or unsuitable links to be left anywhere on the forum, except in the over 18's section.

15. No personal names, addresses & phone numbers to be left on the forum, unless with the consent of the person concerned. Consent will be assumed if a user posts the information themselves for example if they use their own name in a post.

16. Please try to avoid using too many posts containing just similes, as these can become irritating after a while, especially if there are several one after the other.

17. Please think when you post. Make sure what you write would be acceptable to forum members as a whole, and is not offensive. Reported posts will be deleted.

18. If you are sent a PM by a moderator please consider it a private matter Do Not post anything about it or the moderators in the forum.

19. If you have a complaint about one of the moderator s please use the PM system do NOT post about it on site.

20. No Karma comments to be posted on the open forum.

21. All links posted on site should have a description attached to it to explain what the link is about or the post could be deleted as spam.

22. Members must not use other members accounts to post or send PM's through this site if this happens then there is a risk of both accounts being banned

23. If you're 13 or under you MUST get your parents/guardian to fill the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 form in when you put your date of birth in to register.

24. Signatures must not be excessively long as to make it more prominent than the posts you make.


Where possible a photo of the item would help to sell it

1. All goods for sale must have a price. Unless the item is FREE then you must state this in the post

2. If a price is negotiable that's fine but please remember we are not an auction site,

3. Goods for sale must be in working order, any damage IE scratch marks or dents or defects must be reported in the seller's post.

4. If you're not interested in an item for sale then please don't comment in the thread as this will just be deleted.

5. All items sold on this site are the sole responsibility of the seller and have nothing whatsoever to do with AccringtonWeb

6. No animals, fish, birds or livestock of any sort to be sold or given free through the site

7. If you are buying an item on this site it's up to you to make sure it's in a working condition and suitable for what you wanted the item for.

8. When an item has been sold the seller must let members know the item has been sold by posting ITEM SOLD in the thread.

9. No copyright or illegal items to be sold on this site.

10. All items put up for sale must belong to the seller.

11. All new members wishing to sell items must have posted in the introduction section first and made 5 posts in other sections.

12. You must be over 16 years of age to buy or sell on this forum

13. If you're running a Business you can't sell your goods through this site

14. Please don't post in your own thread just to bump it back up or it will also be Deleted without notice.

All this said please enjoy your time on the forum, and feel free to offer any suggestions on how to improve it.
Please report anything you think is not in the appropriate place, or which you think should be edited or deleted.

We reserve the right to alter these rules as needed.

Last edited by Neil; 07-08-2018 at 09:01. Reason: clean up rules
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