I posted this in the Accyweb problems thread but have since thought that thread being as big as it is the post might just get lost in there so for those of you that want to know, but don't want to dredge through the complaints here it is again.
Originally Posted by
Come on guys I know it's annoying, none of us know Roy's personal situation and wht other commitments he has but I've always kinda got the feeling that accyweb was Roy's 'baby' and if he could sort it he would.
Thanks for that tink's you are exactly right, just to let you and the others know, I was speaking to Roy tonight.
He asked me to let his 'friends' know that since February he has been in and out of the country travelling to such exciting places as Siberia and Nottingham (you try getting a connection in Nottingham, erm sorry anyone from Nottingham I mean Siberia!).
He has not had a proper day off in all that time for his young family never mind accyweb. However he wants me to tell you that he knows there is a problem with the server and will sort it tomorrow (wednesday).
accyweb is and will always be his baby and he has no intention of abandoning it, he has great plans in fact for it's future but I will let him tell you those when he has a spare moment.
He also asked me to thank the mod's who have had to put up with quite alot of flak dished out by the more intolerant amongst us during this time, (he hinted that there would be a big drink in it for your efforts on his behalf).
Right I've done as I was asked now I'm out of here, yet again thanks Tinks I'll drop you some karma off as soon as/if ever I manage to get this post on line!
Lots of love to those that deserve it,
As we speak, Roy is out sourcing some newer more reliable servers!