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Old 06-12-2010, 16:22   #1
Full Member

Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

I've got a standard bin, and we've just had a baby, I change on average 60-70 nappies per week, and this is 120-140 every other week, this is filling up my bin considerably, I also have two house rabbits, they are litter trained, and their litter boxes are emptied every day, this is about a half to 3/4's of carrier bag, once all the food dishes are also emptied into it (cabbage stalks carrot ends etc) this is filling up my bin to the point where I have not a lot of space for no recyclable rubbish. i've just rang HBC and ask if I could temporarily have a larger bin. As we are frequenting the tip/landfill quite a bit with bin bags full of non recyclable rubbish. They said only houses with quite a lot of people in get a bigger bin, I explained the above and she said she couldn't help, I have no room for a compost bin, or an appropriate place to put one (they have no bottoms on apparently) and the green bins are not offered to homes without a considerable garden space. I want to recycle my rabbit rubbish, its all fully compostable and I think it will enable me to use my regular bin without having to go to the landfill. She basically said she couldn't help me and I could go to the landfill to put my rabbit litter on the garden waste, but I pay my council tax so is there nothing I can have to enable this? Seems a bit unfair that there is no solution? Please help?
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Old 06-12-2010, 16:39   #2
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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

Use terry nappies (or contact Dr Barnardos), and eat the rabbits.

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Old 06-12-2010, 16:49   #3
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by hairylee View Post
I've got a standard bin, and we've just had a baby, I change on average 60-70 nappies per week, and this is 120-140 every other week, this is filling up my bin considerably, I also have two house rabbits, they are litter trained, and their litter boxes are emptied every day, this is about a half to 3/4's of carrier bag, once all the food dishes are also emptied into it (cabbage stalks carrot ends etc) this is filling up my bin to the point where I have not a lot of space for no recyclable rubbish. i've just rang HBC and ask if I could temporarily have a larger bin. As we are frequenting the tip/landfill quite a bit with bin bags full of non recyclable rubbish. They said only houses with quite a lot of people in get a bigger bin, I explained the above and she said she couldn't help, I have no room for a compost bin, or an appropriate place to put one (they have no bottoms on apparently) and the green bins are not offered to homes without a considerable garden space. I want to recycle my rabbit rubbish, its all fully compostable and I think it will enable me to use my regular bin without having to go to the landfill. She basically said she couldn't help me and I could go to the landfill to put my rabbit litter on the garden waste, but I pay my council tax so is there nothing I can have to enable this? Seems a bit unfair that there is no solution? Please help?
Oh good grief!
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Old 06-12-2010, 16:51   #4
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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

Nappies By Minki

be thankful you haven't got twins, there's something wrong if you're going through 60/70 nappies a week too, i'd take the baby to the doctors if i where you
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Last edited by flashy; 06-12-2010 at 16:55. Reason: because i can
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Old 06-12-2010, 17:11   #5
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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

he has a good point, why is he having to go and empty his bins at the tip when he pays for a service? if i paid someone to cut my lawn and they only did half i wouldn't be happy.
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Old 06-12-2010, 17:13   #6

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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

If you are recycling everything you can then I would ask them to send an inspector round to look at your bin and explain what you are doing wrong. When they see you are doing everything as you should I don't see how they can refuse you and extra bin. Hyndburn don't do the big bins anymore, just the normal size and the small size ones.
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Old 06-12-2010, 18:48   #7
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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
If you are recycling everything you can then I would ask them to send an inspector round to look at your bin and explain what you are doing wrong. When they see you are doing everything as you should I don't see how they can refuse you and extra bin. Hyndburn don't do the big bins anymore, just the normal size and the small size ones.
Quite right Neil I had problems sometime ago with refuse collection ad HBC sent somebody round and sorted it and before anybody says, I bypassed the usual suspects and did it on my own
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Old 06-12-2010, 18:54   #8
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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
Nappies By Minki

be thankful you haven't got twins, there's something wrong if you're going through 60/70 nappies a week too, i'd take the baby to the doctors if i where you
My nomination for best post of the year. Really gave me a belly laugh.
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Old 06-12-2010, 18:56   #9
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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
My nomination for best post of the year. Really gave me a belly laugh.
Doesn't mess about does our Shaz, tells it as it is
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Old 06-12-2010, 18:58   #10
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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

Thanks to those who gave serious decent replies. Sometimes you need a little advice and not nasty replies, think about the person on the other end of your comments for once!
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Old 06-12-2010, 19:19   #11
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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

Originally Posted by hairylee View Post
Thanks to those who gave serious decent replies. Sometimes you need a little advice and not nasty replies, think about the person on the other end of your comments for once!
Sometimes the replies aren't nasty just the truth with no frills
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Old 06-12-2010, 19:19   #12
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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

Originally Posted by hairylee View Post
Thanks to those who gave serious decent replies. Sometimes you need a little advice and not nasty replies, think about the person on the other end of your comments for once!
I agree, H'Lee; some posts on here are completely insensitive to others on this forum.
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Old 06-12-2010, 19:23   #13
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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
I agree, H'Lee; some posts on here are completely insensitive to others on this forum.
ya cheeky git Tealeaf
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Old 06-12-2010, 20:13   #14
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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

They are quite sticky on their rules, Hairylee.

Perhaps you find out if you have a neighbour who doesn't fill there bins every 2 weeks ... NO, don't just do it ASK first. I invite my next door neighbours to do this (either side), and one has a young baby.

Was going to suggest to ask for a green bin, but can't put vegetable waste in there such as rabbit left overs, however, there is a new scheme coming into play in March .. think it means you can deposit this type of waste in them, bit ambiguous..

Recycling - Your Green Bin

Other than that, try flat packing the nappies (or similar). Maybe 2 at a time, inside to inside if that makes sense.

After that, afraid is a journey to the tip for you.
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Old 06-12-2010, 20:51   #15
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Re: Advice from councillors please or any one who can help!

Originally Posted by hairylee View Post
Thanks to those who gave serious decent replies. Sometimes you need a little advice and not nasty replies, think about the person on the other end of your comments for once!
Sorry if you took offence, hairylee. The last thing on my mind would be to hurt anyones feelings......

.....but even you must admit that the picture of a household producing copious amounts of waste from a baby and two rabbits could, in certain circumstances, cause a bit of a smile......

No? Well I can only say sorry again.
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