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Old 06-12-2006, 23:23   #1
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The Military and The Media

Bill Roggio is back in Iraq. Bill was a U.S. Army signalman and infantryman from March '91 to December, '95 and then a member of the New Jersey National Guard from January, '96 to March, '97. He began writing in March of 2004 and his work appears in many publications. In November, 2005, he was embedded as a journalist with U.S. Marines in Western Iraq. In May of 2006, he embedded with Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry in Kandahar, Afghanistan. Scroll down to his December 3rd post, The Military and The Media. Good reading.
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Old 06-12-2006, 23:35   #2
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Re: The Military and The Media

its certainly good reading bullseye, it also re-affirms my view of the media also.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 07-12-2006, 02:59   #3
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Re: The Military and The Media

Could have been written by George W, its so one-sided and slanted towards what the George and his oil barons want us to believe, we need to be there, its not the IEDs, we are making a difference, what utter bull crap. I talk to Bomb Disposal people on a regular basis and I can assure you its the IEDs. Wow our troops are such nice people, they give him a sim card and make conversation with out promting and amzingly they disagree with the two reports that critize our being in Iraq and an EOD guy disagreeing with the kay report, he must have scoured Iraq for that one. I found it so funny I have sent a link to my mates in Iraq, I will give you their answers when I get them.

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Old 15-12-2006, 14:59   #4
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Re: The Military and The Media

Well, Bazf, I am always looking for the next Ernie Pyle, (the great WWII journalist.) I like to read firsthand accounts - especially from lower ranking military personnel. As Bill Roggio writes in his December 12th blog.....

"I fail to see how saying we lost western Pakistan to al-Qaeda and the Taliban, and Somalia to the Islamic Courts, and failed to subdue al-Quaeda in Ramadi and Muqtada al-Sadr, are government talking points. In fact, I've made some people in the government very uncomfortable."

Still looking for a direct quote from anyone stating that IED's are not a problem. Of course, they are a problem. Kudos to your mates in the bomb squad. May Saint Barbara protect them at all times. Coalition Forces captured high level leaders of Ansar-al-Sunna last month - a group responsible for many IED's and suicide attacks. But we need to deal with Iran since they have been supplying the most lethal ones.

Last edited by bullseyebarb; 15-12-2006 at 15:01. Reason: change a word
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Old 15-12-2006, 15:02   #5
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Re: The Military and The Media

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
But we need to deal with Iran since they have been supplying the most lethel ones.
Aye. i agree. We need to nuke 'em before they nuke us.
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Old 15-12-2006, 15:18   #6
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Re: The Military and The Media

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Aye. i agree. We need to nuke 'em before they nuke us.

Even the crazy Iranians wouldnt start a nuking game. If their sole aim is to spread their idea of Islam then what would the point be if we all nuked the world barren of all life? I would be more worried about the North Koreans as its making Japan itchy scratchy for a new constitution and armed forces set up.

If it all kicks of it will be from a quarter we least expect it.

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Old 15-12-2006, 15:20   #7
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Re: The Military and The Media

No need, Tealeaf. A well enforced embargo would be good for starters. Iran has oil - but no refining capacity. We could bring their economy, (such as it is), to a screeching halt. The majority of their population is young, (and restless). There are frequent demonstrations against the government. Iranians want freedom.

Getting the rest of the world to stick together on this is quite another matter, of course. Didn't work too well in Saddam's case - the U.N. dealing with him under the table, etc., If U.S. and British ships went with a joint blockade, there would be an outcry, no doubt. Most of the world hasn't yet faced the threats we face. Endless diplomacy and appeasement is not the answer here. Sooner or later this situation will have to be dealt with.
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Old 15-12-2006, 15:32   #8
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Re: The Military and The Media

I expect the Israeli's will do the job, sooner rather than later. They put in a conventional strike against Iraq in 1981 to take out their nuclear project; unfortunatly, the Iranians are far more advanced than Saddam ever was, so I suspect the yids will take no chances and and just vapourise Tehran and some other cities and facilities. A few hundred megatons should do the trick.
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Old 15-12-2006, 15:34   #9
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Re: The Military and The Media

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
Endless diplomacy and appeasement is not the answer here. Sooner or later this situation will have to be dealt with.
Yeh the last time someone tried this there was 30+ million casualties. The countries of the world may not want to have a skirmish or 2 to solve a problem or even insite a cout de ta but something has to be done. If nothing is done then some little crackpot will start something that will be far costlier than if they had the gonads to halt it at the start.

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Old 15-12-2006, 15:43   #10
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Re: The Military and The Media

SpuggieJ, you are looking at things in a rational way. Can't do that with Ahmadinejad. Got to start thinking outside the box. This guy seems to be obsessed with the 12th Imam - the Mahdi. A five year old boy who disappeared down a well somewhere around 748 A.D, (don't recall the exact date). Anyway, Ahmadinejad wants to pave the way for the reappearance of said Imam. This requires Armageddon. Considering Ahmadinejad's daily pronouncements, I take him at his word. First, Israel - then West.
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Old 15-12-2006, 15:57   #11
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Re: The Military and The Media

I can think outside the box but what is out there scares 7 different colours cof cow pats out of me. He is as obsessed with armaggedon as some diehard christian sects are so that Jesus may return. If Ahmadinejad wants to go down the road of starting armageddon then they had better start fixing him now. If the little knowledge of the bible, dates , Mayan and Inca warnings about the end of the world are somewhat accurate then we have about 5 years before the Earth equivilent of the Big Bang kicks off.

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Old 15-12-2006, 16:11   #12
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Re: The Military and The Media

You are right, SpuggieJ. It's like watching the world in slow motion. There seems to be total inertia. Something decisive needs to happen very soon, before we reach the point of no return.
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Old 15-12-2006, 17:47   #13
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Re: The Military and The Media

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
You are right, SpuggieJ. Something decisive needs to happen very soon, before we reach the point of no return.
Totally agree , America needs to wake up and realize Isreal is NOT the 51st state , and start treating it like it is , just another mid- east country,
suggested reading ...Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter
a true American patriot ,
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Old 17-12-2006, 18:32   #14
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Re: The Military and The Media

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Totally agree , America needs to wake up and realize Isreal is NOT the 51st state , and start treating it like it is , just another mid- east country,
suggested reading ...Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid by Jimmy Carter
a true American patriot ,
Worst president in my lifetime. Not content with that, he has now become the worst ex-president as well. And I know whereof I speak - he was the governor of my state 1971-1975. The pious Jimmy ran as a segregationist, (although I'm sure he didn't really mean it.) Now he goes swanning around the world badmouthing America. Yeh, a great patriot.

From what I have been reading lately, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" is replete with factual errors, copied materials not cited, superficialities, glaring omissions and simply invented segments.

Carter blames Israel and exonerates Arafat, for the Palestinian refusal to accept statehood on 95% of the West Bank and all of Gaza pursuant to the Clinton-Barak offers of Camp David and Taba in 2000-2001. He accepts the Palestinian revisionist history, rejects the eye-witness accounts of President Clinton and Dennis Ross and ignores Saudi Prince Bandar's accusation that Arafat's rejection of the proposal was "a crime" and that Arafat's account "was not truthful"......except, apparently, to Carter. The fact that Carter chooses to believe Yasir Arafat over Bill Clinton speaks volumes.

I think he should stick to banging nails at Habitat for Humanity.
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Old 17-12-2006, 19:12   #15
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Re: The Military and The Media

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
.....except, apparently, to Carter. The fact that Carter chooses to believe Yasir Arafat over Bill Clinton speaks volumes.

Is this the same Bill (I did not have sex with that woman)(I am barred from practising Law, because I perjured myself)(I support socialized medicine)Clinton , sorry Bullseyebarb but I think your sense of moral judgement needs retuning.
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