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04-05-2007, 09:19
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Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
Looks like a 3 year old child has been abducted from a hotel room in Portugal while her parents were out at a nearby restaurant, whilst this is awful and I really hope they find her safe and well, what were they thinking leaving them like that.
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04-05-2007, 09:41
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
The family was on holiday with a group of nine adults and eight children.
The thought does spring to mind that these adults could have taken it in turns to sit in the apartment while the children slept, between nine of them they wouldn't have lost much of the evening and it would have been the responsible thing to do.
I do hope though that the young child is soon found and returned to her parents safe and well.
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04-05-2007, 09:42
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
heard that on the news this morning, my sister is going away tomorrow to ibiza for 2 weeks with the kids, its so scarey, i know it aint going to happen again but i just hope to god she keeps an extra eye on them whilst out there
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04-05-2007, 09:58
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
I think its really frightening and agree with Less regarding rotation for babysitting, aren't Mark Warner holidays specially designed for families and offer babysitting facility? Or am I thinking of a different company, needless to say hope she's found safe and well the parents must be going through hell.
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04-05-2007, 10:00
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
yeah that was on the news too grego, they are supposed to provide an excellent cc service, seems it isnt that way though
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04-05-2007, 10:12
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
It said on the news this morning that there is a babysitting service at this resort but that just means that someone goes round checking on any kids left in their care every half hour. Whilst I have every sympathy for the family this has happened to and hope the little girl is found safe and well, there's no way I would ever have left mine alone in those circumstances especially at such a young age
04-05-2007, 10:13
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
exactly accymad
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
04-05-2007, 10:40
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
'babysitting is available on request at additional charge.'
There is no way I would leave a three year old alone, presumably locked in a room, unless a baby sitter was sat outside, and had access to the child if she cried.
That said, I hope she's soon found safe and well.
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04-05-2007, 11:13
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
Its negligence outright negligence on the part of the parents. If you have young children abroad your fist and only concern should be their safety not a meal and fun with pals. Even if there is a child checking service or babysitting services that is besies the point THE CHILD COMES FIRST!! If they had wanted time on their own yes the sitting duties could be shared as has been suggested yet they were complaicent. Hope the find the little un and she is fine but sympathy for her parents aint got any and hope the food was worth the anguish they feel now.
04-05-2007, 11:18
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
I agree Spuggie, checking on a 3 year old every half an hour just isn't good enough, what happens if the child wakes up, possible fire anything could happen. I would never leave my children with this kind of babysitting service, to me a babysitting service should be someone actually being inside your apartment looking after the children, but once again really hope they find her.
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04-05-2007, 11:32
Resident Waffler
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
I wouldn't dream of leaving a 3 year old alone for half an hour. I do hope she is found safe and well.
04-05-2007, 11:50
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
Was listening to the report on it on News 24 and how people were saying at home the child was never out of site. Yet they go abroad and it seems they left all those safeguards they use at home in a "cupboard" even though they are in essence in a alien enviroment of which they have no knowledge. Madness absolute madness.
04-05-2007, 12:29
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
I doubt very much that this is the first time they'd left her whilst abroad, someone has been watching to know that there was a child there and that she was left alone. I feel for the poor little girl who's been let down by her parents, I dont even want to think what might be happening to her.
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04-05-2007, 15:04
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
i couldnt leave my kids on thier own! they either came with me or i just didnt go out!!
hope they find the poor little mite
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04-05-2007, 15:15
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re: Missing child in Portugal - Madeleine McCann
Omg that is awful  I just hope and pray that the little mite is found safe and well.
Who in their right mind would go out and leave a 3 year old baby ( cos that is all a 3 year old is....a bloody baby).
It just doesn't bare thinking about. 
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