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Old 29-05-2008, 19:44   #1
God Member


Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

According to the Observer the police are investigating complaints of alleged vote rigging in Accringtons Central Ward during the elections earlier this month. Amongest the things being investigated visiting elderly ladies and offering to help them cast their vote without going to the polling station, bullying at polling stations in Hannah Street and Blackburn Road(allegedly with picture evidence), removing twenty people off the electoral roll in Church and matching them to empty properties in Swiss Street so they could vote in Central Ward and proxy votes cast on behalf of people who are now living in Pakistan so aren't eligible for a vote.
I was really shocked when I read it, what do you think? If this sort of thing is proven to be happening in local elections god only knows the lengths they will go to in the nationals to procure the extra votes.
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Accrington Web
Old 29-05-2008, 19:47   #2
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints


what makes me think the labour ppl lodged this complaint?

*L* i wud love to talk openly about this one but i cant b arsed with police statements
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 29-05-2008, 19:47   #3
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
According to the Observer the police are investigating complaints of alleged vote rigging in Accringtons Central Ward during the elections earlier this month. Amongest the things being investigated visiting elderly ladies and offering to help them cast their vote without going to the polling station, bullying at polling stations in Hannah Street and Blackburn Road(allegedly with picture evidence), removing twenty people off the electoral roll in Church and matching them to empty properties in Swiss Street so they could vote in Central Ward and proxy votes cast on behalf of people who are now living in Pakistan so aren't eligible for a vote.
I was really shocked when I read it, what do you think? If this sort of thing is proven to be happening in local elections god only knows the lengths they will go to in the nationals to procure the extra votes.

sounds like what i warned everyone about ....
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

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Old 29-05-2008, 19:52   #4
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

The only thing that suprises me is that anyone is suprised. It's been going on for many election in various parts of various towns
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Old 29-05-2008, 19:57   #5
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
The only thing that suprises me is that anyone is suprised. It's been going on for many election in various parts of various towns
agree n it makes a complete mockery of elections, but at least they don't execute the opposition like mugabe.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 29-05-2008, 20:04   #6
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

is it me or does it seem like central ward is involved in vote rigging allegations evertime theres a vote?
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Old 29-05-2008, 20:16   #7
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

As you all know on here, I am and have always have been a committed Tory, I have not seen the Obs yet, I get mine tomorrow, but I respect Mani and his statement. I will only make one statement, Graham Jones has hardly ever shown his face on her since May 1st (well you don't when you get stuffed), although he does scan what is going on on this site, but I will lay oddes he will be very versiferous on this subject

Last edited by jaysay; 29-05-2008 at 20:18. Reason: error
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Old 29-05-2008, 20:16   #8
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

and dont forget the false [hoax] letter in the observer..politics getting exciting in hyndburn
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Old 29-05-2008, 20:20   #9
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

no the problem with the ppl who stand in the central ward is that are sore losers. they take defeat super personally.

as they were both asian and i knew all three candidates very well the amount of stuff that went down was Montagues vs capulets level. fueds to match the best.

if labour or a labour aligned complained about this then its called digging a hole for themselves.
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 29-05-2008, 20:21   #10
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Lying is part of Arab based cultures.
It is not considered unacceptable to lie in order to achieve a 'good' outcome.
If you don't believe me - just google a bit as I have.
Cheating is just a variant of lying.

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Old 29-05-2008, 22:59   #11
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
As you all know on here, I am and have always have been a committed Tory, I have not seen the Obs yet, I get mine tomorrow, but I respect Mani and his statement. I will only make one statement, Graham Jones has hardly ever shown his face on her since May 1st (well you don't when you get stuffed), although he does scan what is going on on this site, but I will lay oddes he will be very versiferous on this subject
My Gran died last month. I was her primary/only carer for 2 and half years. I have taken a good slagging from you and Cyfr when I was actually tending to her care.

I have a lot of ward work, Peel Park, Pioneer, a lot of cleansing issues, Neighbourhood Management projects ...

You miss the point. Getting elected is about helping people, not winning more than the others and getting your name over the door.
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Old 29-05-2008, 23:02   #12
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
My Gran died last month. I was her primary/only carer for 2 and half years. I have taken a good slagging from you and Cyfr when I was actually tending to her care.

I have a lot of ward work, Peel Park, Pioneer, a lot of cleansing issues, Neighbourhood Management projects ...

You miss the point. Getting elected is about helping people, not winning more than the others and getting your name over the door.
So sorry to hear about your Gran, you take care.
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Old 29-05-2008, 23:06   #13
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

The Observer had been printing a series of unusual pro-Tory letters. Mrs Stuart was one. I rang her personally to ask why she had written the letter. I actually was tipped off in advance that a hard line Tory supporter had written it.

Mrs Stuart is 76. She told me she had never written a letter to a newspaper, didn't buy the Observer and was shocked someone had misused her name. She said no other Stuart had lived on Whalley Rd in years, and only one or two lived in Clayton. She thanked me for letting her know.

She would never write about Wheelie Bins and her garden waste because she has a small flagged back yard on Whalley Road and had no need. She said I should raise the matter on her behalf.

I understand the Ob rang, realised they had been duped and offered an apology this week.

Two more letters are under scrutiny. People who deceive others ought to know I will persue these matters in the cause of a great british tradition, fair play and honesty.

Last edited by g jones; 29-05-2008 at 23:12.
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Old 29-05-2008, 23:09   #14
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by g jones View Post
The Observer had been printing a series of unusual pro-Tory letters. Mrs Stuart was one. I rang her personally to ask why she had written the letter. I actually was tipped off in advance which hard lone Tory supporter had written it.

Mrs Stuart is 76. She told me she had never written a letter to a newspaper, didn't buy the Observer and was shocked someone had misused her name. She said no other Stuart had lived on Whalley Rd in years, and only one or two lived in Clayton.

She would never write about Wheelie Bins and her garden waste because she has a small flagged back yard on Whalley Road and had no need. She said I should raise the matter on her behalf.
that is more than disgraceful, its either Deception or Fraud in my eyes, whoever is responsible.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 29-05-2008, 23:16   #15
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Re: Police Probe Vote Rigging Complaints

Originally Posted by mani View Post
no the problem with the ppl who stand in the central ward is that are sore losers. they take defeat super personally.

as they were both asian and i knew all three candidates very well the amount of stuff that went down was Montagues vs capulets level. fueds to match the best.

if labour or a labour aligned complained about this then its called digging a hole for themselves.
That may be so, but I believe right is right and wrong and wrong. Justifying not persuing acts of fraud by illicit peer pressure is not right.

Besides, people are suspicous. Scrutiny should be welcomed as it clears things up both ways.
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