So Maragret, Any news on this then.....
The dollar is about to collapse completely.
The USA is bankrupt, and this is due to be realised/admitted before year end.
The first sign will be a prolonged 'bank holiday' when cash movements will be frozen.- (maybe worldwide depending on what they decided at the recent meeting in Philadelphia) You will not be told about this bank holiday in advance, so that a 'run on the banks' can be avoided.
On re-opening for business a new currency will be announced.
This might be the Amero (which has already been minted) (Attn Eric - USA, Canada & Mexico to be merged)
or a New World Currency
People who have debts are about to lose less than those who have savings - but both will be losers.
When the dollar fails there will be knock on effect worldwide.
I do not know what these will be - any suggestions?
This is not conspiracy theory - it is evolving FACT
The October Bank Holiday never happened... Would be interesting to hear the 'Truth'....