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Old 29-09-2007, 11:42   #31
Resting in peace
Ianto.W.'s Avatar

Re: What are they spraying.....

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
Nice one, Ian.

What was he on about? When ze seagulls follow ze trawler...... lol.
Well Lilly my interpretation of it is, that when, during his untimely departure from Manchester United, the reporters that were hounding him were following the wrong type of ship. Eric Cantona considered himself as a luxury Liner come Battleship, and not a lowly Trawler.A truly great talent with a Romany/ Galic culture that was to prove his downfall. Before my detractors dive in ,this is pureley my opinion, "In matters contraversial my judgements very fine, I allways see two points of view the one that is wrong, and mine."
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Old 03-10-2007, 15:40   #32
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Re: What are they spraying.....

I sent the mails but have had only one reply yet - from the firm which makes the stuff I suspect is petrochemically based. They are being cagey about the chemicals used - (maybe think I am a spy for their competitors)
The mail and my response is copied below

I ask on behalf of friends who live near a landfill site- they wish to make recommendations to the waste management service, and so need detailed facts about available products.
Margaret Rothwell (retired person)

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Austen
To: 'Margaret Rothwell'
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 12:51 PM
Subject: RE: Odour Control
Thank you for your recent enquiry regarding our odour control products.

Could you please let me know for what purpose you would be using the products. i.e. in which environment and also if you represent a particular company or if it would be for private use?


Stephen Austen

EcoPro Ltd
07834 057888
EcoPro Ltd | Services

-----Original Message-----
From: Margaret Rothwell [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 28 September 2007 15:12
To: [email protected]
Subject: Odour Control
Please supply me with a list of the chemicals in your odour control liquids
Thank you -- Miss margaret Rothwell

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Old 03-10-2007, 17:26   #33
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Re: What are they spraying.....

Interesting thread , something which may help in your search , not sure if the regulations/rules are the same, but have you asked the local council for the MSDS (material data safety sheet ) for the product being used ? Here in the US all companies and employers are required by law to keep on file all materails in use at their facilites that an emmployee may be exposed to,and make them available upon request at any time , .......this includes anything from a bag of lime , Paint, various gases stored in clyinders (oxygen, acetylene etc.) even products seemingly inocuous such as steel and bagged cement, even the little bottles of correction fluid which most office employees have in their desks (its an inhalent hazzard).
I'm thinking from reading past posts on this site that Health and Safety regulations in the UK are much stronger than here in the US so such information should be available on demand from the faciltiy where it is being used
Material safety data sheet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

HSE - Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH)

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Old 03-10-2007, 18:36   #34
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Re: What are they spraying.....

I appreciate your contribution (found loads of material data sheets relevant in UK) - I have done more google searches as a result - I will be able to research the hazards of each chemical when I learn what is being sprayed.
wish I had A level chemistry

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Old 04-10-2007, 00:34   #35
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Re: What are they spraying.....

The man from EcoPro has replied again saying "Most of the products we use are completely safe and non toxic" - notice the word "most" .
He still has not listed the chemical constituents, and I don't think he ever will. I dont know if their products are used at Whinney Hill - it was my way of trying to find out what sort of chemicals are used in 'industrial deodorants' - so I have come to a dead end with that one. I had been deliberately cautious in the wording of my mail to him and he thinks we need his products to cover garbage smells

On the other hand I have had a long and very helpful reply from the Environment Agency - as follows:-
"Use of odour abatement equipment is optional, however such systems are commonly used at landfill sites across the UK. Odour control at waste sites is however compulsory. Any site wishing to keep, treat or dispose of waste must hold a Waste Management Licences or Pollution Prevention Control Permit. This is a legal document, regulated by the Environment Agency that sets enforceable conditions to prevent pollution of the environment, harm to human health or detriment to the local amenity. Naturally by the very nature of the operation, if not managed correctly, waste can generate foul odours. Certain conditions therefore relate to odour control and require that waste operations must be free from odours at levels that would cause problems. Odour abatement equipment such as that currently in use at Whinney Hill, is one of a number of odour control measures that can be used at landfill sites. At Whinney Hill currently, they have installed and are using a temporary deodoriser (located to the left of the site entrance and up Whinney Hill Road) due to engineering works being carried out on the old part of the site to improve environmental performance. This work involves installing an engineering cap to the landfill which will reduce infiltration of rainwater (and so protect groundwater, as well as allow more efficient collection of landfill gas and use in the gas engines (to produce electricity) and not lost to the atmosphere (greenhouse gas). Part of this work does involve partial re-profiling of the flanks of the landfill therefore old waste has been dug into and moved to other parts of the site. Naturally SITA were concerned this could lead to foul odours being generated therefore as a safeguard installed the odour abatement equipment. I have conducted inspections at the site (as part of our regulatory duty) and have been happy with the precautions taken with regard to odour control. I would be happy to discuss further if required. With regard to legislation, the Landfill Regulations 2002 cover landfill management and can be found on the following website:-"

So the outcome of my enquiries has still not revealed what they were spraying but it appears to be a temporary situation whilst they rearrange the site in order to prevent groundwater pollution. I am satisfied that the Environment Agency are ensuring that the procedures happening up there are legal. I have not read all of the government regulations here
Search Results - Landfill sites
but it is apparant that the waste management as an industry is highly regulated, and that our Whinney Hill is being monitored.

I have not found out what they are spraying but found out that they are acting legally,within strict regulation,and are being monitored

Some of us are sensitive to (legal) petrochemical sprays - I hope that Whinney Hill spraying stops when the site work is finished, but if it doesn't, and the spray smell reaches your homes and is causing you health problems, we will have entered a whole new bigger ball game of campaigning for the law to be changed.

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Old 04-10-2007, 00:56   #36
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Re: What are they spraying.....

Well done Margaret, you have located a lot of information. As you quite rightly say they are acting legally and being monitored but if in future any reference is needed your information is to hand.
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Old 04-10-2007, 01:28   #37
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Re: What are they spraying.....

These odours whatever they may be, are only to disguise the smell's that do not go away, only stay hidden, it is no different than leaving or dumping 'dog muck in a big hole. Incineration is the answer to the problem, we then come to the problem of "not in my back yard", nobody in their right senses would allow them near their properties. In the middle of nowhere is the place for a destructor plant, but then it's 'greenbelt' and would not be allowed. "The answer my friends is blowing in the wind", but not for long if Margaret get's her way.
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Old 04-10-2007, 11:22   #38
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Re: What are they spraying.....

Excellent news -just got a mail from Waste Management Services Preston- they are using the good stuff called Mist Air (see my earlier post about it)

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