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01-03-2007, 20:06
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You've got to be joking...right?
In response to something raised in another thread, in which someone was chastised for admitting to finding a joke about a disability funny, what, if anything should be off limits when it comes to jokes?
For centuries we Brits have paid people to entertain us, and make our sometimes dreary lives a little brighter.
From Sheridan’s Mrs. Malaprop to Caroline Ahern’s Mrs. Merton, our comedians and playwrights have taken the micky out of life’s vagaries. From the uneducated in the case of Mrs Malaprop, to batty old ladies as portrayed by Ms. Ahern.
The period post the second World War was a period when comedians made jokes about everything, from their ugly mother-in-law to the darkies living next door.
With the rise of political correctness in the 1980’s, the days of the old school comedians seemed to be numbered. People like Jimmy Tarbuck and co. were dropped from the television schedules quicker than a hot brick, to be replaced by the men in shiny suits like Ben Elton.
In the last ten years there has been a move away from comedy that might be deemed politically correct. We can now see on the box queer performers telling jokes about gay life, black women making fun of their husband’s, even...gasp, white middle class men making jokes about how ugly the girl they picked up last night was, when they had their beer goggles on.
People since the dawn of language have made jokes about the things that make them nervous, embarrassed, or just at a loss for words to express themselves any other way, except through making light of it. Just think how many hours after a terrible tragedy do jokes about it start to circulate? Is it wrong to wince a laugh, does it demean the victims?
So, what do you think should be off target when it comes to making a joke, or is it anything goes, if it makes someone smile?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
01-03-2007, 20:13
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Re: You've got to be joking...right?
Humour's a really tricky thing - it depends partly on the teller and partly on the audience.
That's partly why I sometimes come across as humourless on here because I know that some jokes that I tell can come across the wrong way to someone (you know who you are) which can in turn get me in deep water. So, easiest thing is to refrain just in case!
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
01-03-2007, 20:16
Beacon of light
Re: You've got to be joking...right?
being a retired Nurse means that I find the blackest of humour funny......I can't help it......sometimes I was hurled by my job into such tragedy that humour was the only way of coping.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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01-03-2007, 20:20
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Re: You've got to be joking...right?
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
being a retired Nurse means that I find the blackest of humour funny......I can't help it......sometimes I was hurled by my job into such tragedy that humour was the only way of coping.
That's a good example. I'm sure sometimes in various careers besides nursing, that if you didn't sometimes laugh you'd cry. It's a human release system for our emotions.
I also agree with Gayle, it does depend on the context where a joke or humour is used.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
01-03-2007, 20:23
Beacon of light
Re: You've got to be joking...right?
I am not particularly keen on bad language.....the effing and jeffing definitely does not appeal to me...but we had one consultant who could say almost anything to me and I would not find it (or him) offensive...and I have to say that I didn't have any kind of affection for this man.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
01-03-2007, 20:25
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Re: You've got to be joking...right?
I know someone who tells the most awful politically incorrect jokes and they officially offend me but they also make me laugh.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
01-03-2007, 20:31
Beacon of light
Re: You've got to be joking...right?
do you mean that 'Officially' you feel you should be offended?
I think you laugh if you find something amusing..politically incorrect or not.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
01-03-2007, 20:32
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Re: You've got to be joking...right?
Great question Garinda! I like alot of varied humor, even that which others may find tasteless or not understood. Lots of Americans, especially women, don't "get" Monty Python. I've always found them hilarious. I know some, myself included to be honest, took some offense to the "Life of Brian." But putting it "off target?" Not at all.
Benny Hill, I had more of a problem understanding his stuff. I don't like the really vulgar comics of today. They do quite offend me so I choose not to watch or listen to them. But again "off target?" I guess I'd just say I wish people wouldn't support them.
People have made fun of my disabilities, my race, my religious beliefs, my nationality, my heritage, etc. I wouldn't put any of these things off limit. Alot depends on the person making the joke and how the joke is presented. I guess I'm most sensitive to jokes about . . .
Wait a minute! I aint telling the likes of you blokes  . Then I'd be non-stop joked off the face of Accyweb!
01-03-2007, 21:22
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Re: You've got to be joking...right?
If a joke is taken the way its meant then there is no offence. Its when its meant as a way of extracting the urine then no it isnt ok and is offensive.
Without humour the world is a sadder place but people must understand that not everyone is humoured the same way as use as Brian pointed out.
01-03-2007, 21:32
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Re: You've got to be joking...right?
Jokes are all about timing, but if you have not got a sense of humour you have no place on a forum like Accyweb in my opinion, see I have qualified the answer and humour must be applied in a similar fashion. By the same rule 'bigots' have no place here either, being a relatively new member to the site these are my observations, also allowances must be made for 'smart A' new members as I was myself and maybe in some of your opinions am yet. Just remember my 'esteemed' members your a long time dead.
01-03-2007, 21:38
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Re: You've got to be joking...right?
Sometimes people join the site and take offence at things that are said to them or that are said to others, because they don't have the context that the comments are said in. It also works the other way some times when people join and start posting it sometimes takes a while for the old school to tune into the newbies humour.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
01-03-2007, 21:42
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Re: You've got to be joking...right?
Originally Posted by Gayle
Sometimes people join the site and take offence at things that are said to them or that are said to others, because they don't have the context that the comments are said in. It also works the other way some times when people join and start posting it sometimes takes a while for the old school to tune into the newbies humour.
How long will it take me to be as old as you on Accyweb Gayle. 
01-03-2007, 21:44
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Re: You've got to be joking...right?
Me, I'm just a spring chicken - I still don't get it all yet. 
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
01-03-2007, 21:47
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Re: You've got to be joking...right?
Originally Posted by Gayle
Me, I'm just a spring chicken - I still don't get it all yet. 
Good on you Gale, I'm sticking the white flag up now sorry if I have offended you. 
01-03-2007, 21:48
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Re: You've got to be joking...right?
Originally Posted by Ianto.W.
Good on you Gale, I'm sticking the white flag up now sorry if I have offended you. 
You'd be surprised how hard it is to offend me.  Yet I seem to cause offence to some people on an almost daily basis. 
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
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