ok mine was awful ..the worst i can ever remember .
Firstly set off to pick my son up and got distracted and went through a workmans red stop sign grrrr the language from that guy was just dreadful ..lol
anyway, heading back home on motorway when all of a sudden i felt car heater go cold , looked at temp and was at max ARRRGGGHHH
Luckily nearing a slip road i pulled off and just at the end of it as i approached roundabout , car stopped dead and huge puff of smoke came from bonnet area .. MORE PANIC
Id blown the radiator . stood in pouring rain for 30 mins looking like drowned rat till rac man rescued me .
OK that out of way and after nice man followed me safely home with car .. change out of wringing wet clothes .
nice warm cup of tea in hand , play on pc ..wrong!!! pc goes dead
SO i change fuse ,change power lead .....NOTHING!!!! ARGGHHHH
ok pc still under warrenty will take back to shop .. "sorry fuse inside blown to stop further damage to pc, but tech guys dont work at weekends so wont be fixed till mon or tues ."
OK .. ive got old pc at home will use that till new one repaired ....WRONG!!!!! plugged it in and it blew up and gave me an electric shock..GRRRRRR
goes for shower and tries to unwind ... shower wont work !! broken grrrr
deep deep deep breath . will have a beer and go to bed and thing will be fine tomorrow ......WRONG!!!!! tries washing hair in bathroom sink only to find that my new sink overflow hasnt been connected up and end up with puddle over bathroom floor...
anyone else had it so bad on fri 13th ??????? cus im just glad its all over ...