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Old 20-03-2012, 19:59   #1

Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Hi all. I'm a volunteer for Scruples Whippet Rescue and one of our lovely foster dogs has gone missing in the Accrington area. He's recently had surgery and needs medical attention, so it's urgent we find him. Can anyone help? There's a Facebook 'Help Find Louis' page for more info, but if you don't have access, pls see the info below. I hope it's ok to post this here?? Thanks, Paola

Louis (aka Blue) is an absolutely adorable scruffy Lurcher (Bedlington Terrier cross Whippet) who has recently come into rescue.

Louis bolted from the care of his Foster Carer on Thursday 15th March last at St James Road, Canal, Accrington, Lancs (BB5 postcode).

Louis has just been neutered and still has his stitches and needs to be found URGENTLY.

Please share this group and let us know if you can help in any way. Thank you.

Tel 07414932001

Last edited by Mick; 21-03-2012 at 05:40.
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Old 21-03-2012, 01:58   #2
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re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

ow do, have you informed the dog warden ?
I am sure all on here will help if possible

Last edited by Mick; 21-03-2012 at 05:10.
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Old 21-03-2012, 07:07   #3

re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Hiya. Yes, the warden and police are aware. We've also been on local radio and have had posters put up. We're all very worried, esp given his recent surgery. Poor boy.

Thank-you for replying. Paola
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Old 21-03-2012, 08:36   #4
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re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Do you know where the dog was walked in case he has gone there? We walk up the coppice every day and will watch out. Is he friendly with other dogs?
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Old 21-03-2012, 09:52   #5
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re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Awww if I were to find him I'd probably want to keep him - we've never had a dog but if we did that's exactly the sort I would have. Very unlikely I will find him as I live in Morecambe! but hope he turns up soon and is OK. Good luck! and best wishes to all at Whippet Rescue.
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Old 21-03-2012, 14:09   #6

re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

I think he's good with other dogs.

He looks like a little sheep basically - there's a picture on the Facebook page.

Thank-you all for replying - I hope he's found soon!
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Old 22-03-2012, 07:33   #7

re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Blue is still missing - can anyone help find him? We're all very worried. Thanks
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Old 22-03-2012, 09:02   #8
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re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

if you put a picture and whereabouts in accrington on your facebook page again ill share it.i know a lot of people down acc maybe pop up the rspca in altham as communication is not the best as found out due to experience..
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Old 22-03-2012, 10:23   #9

re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

That would be great - photos and all info on the 'Help Find Louis' Facebook page - or on Dogs Lost - BLUE OR LOUIS's Lost Dog Poster. Sorry, not sure how to make links 'live'...
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Old 22-03-2012, 10:24   #10

re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Oh, it happened automatically!
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Old 22-03-2012, 12:01   #11

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re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Is the dog chipped so it can easily be returned if found?
I found a 6 month old Pug puppy the other day. I took her to the vet to have her chip read so I could take her home but she was not chipped. I can't believe people are daft enough to not have their dog chipped.
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Old 22-03-2012, 13:52   #12

re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Hi Neil. To be honest, I don't know. He's a rescue and was in the process of being accessed before re-homing, so I'm not sure if he was done yet (mircochipped). I think the fear is that he'll be picked up by someone and used as bait - it's become a huge problem and many 'stray' dogs are used this way.
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Old 22-03-2012, 15:21   #13
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Originally Posted by PM01 View Post
Hi Neil. To be honest, I don't know. He's a rescue and was in the process of being accessed before re-homing, so I'm not sure if he was done yet (mircochipped). I think the fear is that he'll be picked up by someone and used as bait - it's become a huge problem and many 'stray' dogs are used this way.
So, time was taken to have the dog castrated, I assume by a vet? But he couldn't take the time to run his scanner over it to check if it was chipped? Had it been chipped it's owner may have been found, if not, then a simple matter to chip it before, it was given the operation.

Someone, somewhere, methinks, being a tad' careless with the dog.
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Old 22-03-2012, 16:55   #14

re: Hello and HELP finding a lost dog

Less. As I've stated - I'm a volunteer for Scruples Whippet Rescue - a rescue that is run by mostly full-time working volunteers, who take time out of the very hectic lives in order to help out as best as they can. I was not a part of Blue's fostering or vet visit, hence me not knowing whether or not he's been chipped. I live in Suffolk - no where near where he was. I am just one of a small team of people trying to put the word out.

Even if he is chipped, he has no owner (unless there was time to re-register him to Scruples - can be a long process). As I was not involved in his original rescue I have no idea of his past circumstances - he could be an abuse case, handed over by his previous owner, abandoned, etc, etc. So, in many of these cases a chip doesn't necessarily tell us anything (though it can be useful in prosecution cases).

'Careless' in your option, but dedicated and very hard-working in mine... accidents do happen (even maybe in your world?).
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Old 22-03-2012, 17:02   #15
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Such a long answer to justify a small question.

Why not take a look at some of the other threads on AccyWeb?

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