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Old 31-07-2012, 12:36   #23
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Re: CNN caught out telling porkies

Media lies is an problem whichever country you live in.
Here's Austria at it.

Newspaper Uses Photoshop To Make Syria Look Even Worse Somehow

"Newspaper Uses Photoshop To Make Syria Look Even Worse Somehow
Brian Barrett
The Kronen Zeitung is Austria's largest newspaper, with a daily readership of around three million people. Yesterday, those readers were treated to the image on the left of war-torn Aleppo, bombed out and desperate. Except, as one sharp-eyed Redditor points out, that wasn't the scene at all. It was just another Photoshop job.
Just to be clear, the family in the photograph is, in fact, in Syria; the original photo (on the right) came from the European Pressphoto Agency. But merely fleeing a city ravaged by guns and mortars apparently isn't quite dramatic enough on its own. The editors of the Krone—as it's commonly called—needed this baby to sing.
Using Photoshop to make actresses and models look unrealistically attractive is bad enough. Using it to make a part of the world that has enough problems as it is look even more apocalyptic? That's just disgraceful."
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