Re: Trees???
My cousin has got a huge tree right outside her house on the Milnshaw estate. It's growing in the pavement and the roots periodically come up through the paving which the council then replace with tarmac -which they come up through even faster. The thing spews branches and leaves all over her front garden as well.
There are a few trees like this on the estate -I reckon they were there before the houses were built and the council just left them.
Trees in urban areas are nearly always in the wrong place. The previous owner of our house had a thing about trees and planted lots of small saplings along the edge of our property. Far too close together, they have now grown, obviously, and are overshadowing and sticking out into the small narrow private road where we live. Which means we have to keep cutting bits off so vehicles can get through and because we are in a conservation area there is a limit to what we can do.
There was no need for these trees from an environmental point of view as right behind the house is the old cemetery which is full of trees and is being managed for wildlife.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...