Thread: The Tories
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Old 23-08-2012, 08:00   #1706
Full Member

Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I've just gone right off you

Oh, come on Jay, it's just my opinion. But you can't seriously believe that the Thatcher years were a bed of roses for most people can you?
  • Record unemployment
  • VAT raised almost double (8 to 15%) to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy
  • De-regulation of the financial services industry (look where that left us)
  • Privatisations of the power industry that is now coming home to roost (look at your recent gas & electricity bills)
  • Privatisation of water (the worst one of all) giving a (still) total monopoly on a life essential product
  • The decimation of an industry (mining) based on revenge for the embarrassment it caused to previous Tory goverments
  • See the above for the destruction of communities because of same
  • The division of the nation into north and south/rich and poor on a scale not seen since fuedal times (okay, that may be stretching a point but you understand my meaning)
I could go on with the facts and back them up with historical proof but I think you see what I mean. The Thatcher years were a miserable time for most peopple living outside of the South East of England. As for Scotland, one or two senior Tories are even now suggesting that they owe them an apology for that time.
Having said all that I am more than willing to listen to anyone who can tell me any good that came from those years "for the majority of people".
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