Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
...and what about the privatisation of gas and electric? Has that benefitted the consumer? Has it heck as like. It's been replaced by a cosy little cartel who routinely rip the consumer off to add to their already fat profits. What about water? Have we "the choice of a large number of suppliers"? I hadn't noticed. 
Yes there are problems. The privatisations that happened haven't turned into some utopian system that can do no wrong. It is better than the old system though. Do you honestly trust politicians to not rake it in and funnel the proceeds into their next pet project.
There's no point in private industry existing if there isn't some form of effective competition. The current energy market clearly needs to be looked at. Unilateral price rises aside, it's incredibly difficult to work out who is actually the cheapest for the amount of energy you use. They can all get away with increasing their prices when it's not clear who to go with. Ofgem, the energy regulator, needs to enforce a simplification of tariffs so that it's crystal clear to consumers.