Everyone on this site is allowed an opinion, no matter how wrong it may seem, we do appear to be hard on some newbies, is there a fair and honest reason why?
I think the answer is yes, any newbie that comes on site to correct everyone, change what works to something that suits them is wrong.
Anyone that comes on site can't be bothered to read what has come before no matter how trivial or askew a posters point may be is wrong.
We aren't like other sites, we don't always stick directly to the point a thread may have been started for.
We are however alive, compared with other sites that started around the same time, we are more than alive we are what these newbies come here for a vibrant site that stretches it's rules until breaking point, the worst thing that could happen to this site is if we gave way to newbies, accept them? Yes, I accept them with open arms until they want to change what is working to what they think the site aught to be.
Yes there is a solid core of long term members, there are also long term members that drift in and out, there are new members that add to the site with their humour, outlook and common sense that suddenly ARE long term members.
Unfortunately there are also new members that demand we change...
Into what? Burnleyweb? long gone.
Blackburnweb yeah right if you want to be a crowd on your own.
Or could we just stay as we are, willing to change and grow as life goes on but determined to be AccyWeb no matter how wrong a newbie may think we are?
Strange as it may seem, I love everyone of you, and couldn't live without you.