Originally Posted by MargaretR
When members leave, and when newbies don't stay for long, it is evident that some regulars have been offensive. That needs to change and (even) newbies have the right to expect and suggest that it should.
In the same way that you would not associate with offensive people in a social setting, you prefer they not enter your home on a screen.
The usual answer to them is 'we like it here, if you don't - leave'.
The long term future result will be a small core of offensive people who just enjoy insulting each other.
The signs that it is happening has surfaced recently.
That's life.
I remember someone posting, unfairly in my opinion, that they were leaving the forum, and naming you, as the reason why.
Too hot?
Dislike rooms with stoves, sinks, pots and pans?
Probably an unwise career choice then, being a chef.
Everyone here was a newbie at one time.
I, like most, probably stepped on a few toes, but I took any flak, regardless. I didn't expect the forum to fit around me. I knew it would have to be the other way round, if I was to be accepted into the fold.
It would be silly to think this forum was for everyone. It won't be.
What I think is sillier personally, are the members who stick around, to moan about a supposed golden age on here.
There wasn't one, or if there was, it's now, today.
For as Less posted, and others, like Wynonie say often, look around you at other local forums, Accy Web is a success, and unlike many, it's still here.
The council were given half a million quid of tax payers' money to start a rival local forum...which closed within the year.
Accy Web is like a soap. Big, and smaller characters come, and go, yet the show manages to survive.
If it ever stops interesting me here, there'll be no teary goodbye threads. I'll just get in my cab, and go off down the virtual cobbles, without so much as a backwards glance.
In the meantime...get used to it.
Accy Web isn't broken, and any attempt to fix it will most likely be challenged.