To anyone on Facebook, if you could please keep voting daily for this, just until the end of the month, it'll be most appreciated.
We've got Accy Web's LancYorkYankee garnering support for his Lanky kin over in Culpeper, Virginia, and it's working. Though to win we really do need support for this local cause to go viral...globally.
It really is just a two horse race now. Lancashire versus the northeast, with £20,000 worth of funding up for grabs.
Our bid was submitted by a twelve year old local boy, in the hope the money can be spent on much needed refurbishments at the playground at West End, Ossy, and which will greatly benefit kids younger than himself.
If you can, please help a young person learn an invaluable lesson. That sometimes, when you get up off your arse, you can make a real difference.
If you're on Facebook please vote, and ask your friends to vote every day in September, and also post the link on their pages, and ask their friends to support this lad too.
We've now got votes coming in from the U.S., Italy, Switzerland, and Spain. If you know someone abroad you think may help, ask them.
Every vote counts.
As it stands we're on 8,153, and Gateshead are in the lead at 8,556. Third place are way back on 1,962.
Every vote will count, and it will be so sad if we're so close to winning, but don't.
Here's the link, to where you can vote for the local bid on Facebook -
Thanks, in advance,