Originally Posted by entwisi
Back to a pewter tankard imho, nice to drink from and doesn't splinter etc like glass.
I agree that the real solution should be simply, glass someone and you are inside for a long time
"glassing" someone, would usually be charged as section 18, but then with "deals" this would be reduced to section 20, to save money on trials and such like
ie if you go guilty, (irrelevant if you are or not) you get a lesser sentence.
from experience, i was once in this position
was charged with "wounding with the intent to cause grevious bodily harm" section 18
it was reduced to section 20, "unlawful and malicious wounding"
at the time, i was advised to go not guilty from my brief, as it was an "over reaction in self defence"
i was told if found guilty, after going not guilty, minimum 5 years
however if i plead guilty, then the judge would accept that it was an over reaction in self defence, and give me a non custodial sentence, at the time i had 3 young children, and it was a no brainer, i took the plea deal.
i dont believe justice was served that day, justice didnt even come into it, bureaucracy, and costs did
before people "judge me" again, this was quite some time ago, and i was attacked in "my own home, and was defending my family", one of "the victims" was a convicted armed robber
i should have had the courage to go all the way and plead not guilty, however the potential "cost" was to high, and i took the cowards way out.
this wasnt a ramble, well may have been to some, but to try and give an insight into how "the justice" system works or doesnt work,