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Old 08-09-2012, 12:34   #24
Resting in Peace
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by churchfcrules View Post
i agree with you john, however the laws, is an ass, and even offenders have rights,

but until you are in that situation, you dont know what you would do.
take the chance that 12 people feel the same way, or through use of legal argument they say "you went too far", which in my case what was said

2 of them, 1 of me, and they turned up to my doorwith the sole intention of violence.

but had the cheek, on their statements to say, direct quote "he was like a man possessed, i was in fear of my life"

i did what any other normal person would do, but was punished for it

apparantley, i was only charged because " i didnt report it, and they did"
the custody sergeant told me that

but that is a complete thread wander and going way of subject, if we ever get you down to the railway, maybe i will share the full story over a pint (out of a plastic glass roll)

on another serious point, i notice in the other thread you said you struggle getting down to the railway for a drink with yer pals on a saturday

i have a picasso, and could fit a wheelchair, and oxygen in, if you ever require a trip down for an hour, more than willing to assist

Your right the law is a complete ass, but shows up just what cowards these scumbags really are when they get their just deserts instead of the other way round and then go running to the law to complain about you. Many thanks for the offer of a lift but I was actually talking in past tense, but as you'll find I often fall over my own tongue (keyboard) I'm not really fit enough to make the trip these days, but many thanks for the offer
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