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Old 08-09-2012, 15:18   #32
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Re: Time to Go Plastic

Originally Posted by Less View Post
I would love to wish you a good day, I would love to read one of your posts that actually addressed what is being discussed, however, ignore you, good heavens no, I couldn't possibly ignore you, I was dragged up to be polite in comparison to some, so it would be the height of ignorance to treat you in a similar manner to how you treat me.

P.S. I'm sure this thread is important to the starter, why not just send me a few obscene P.M.'s that I can answer rather than ruin his thread?
...... I'm confused by this.
The post, and the apostrophe...But I don't want to digress , I'm new I will get into trouble!

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Why don't pubs & clubs simply stop selling lager? This is simply fizzy poison that does no good whatsoever - especially to one's cerebal matter. In fact, the only people who drink this stuff are those who are brain damaged or those who are about to be. Sell good real ales only and you won't attract the intellectually challenged who go round smashing glasses in other's faces. Everyone can therefore have a good pint in peace.

PS...the same goes for alcopops. The only fit purpose for this is as a toilet bowl cleaner.
It would probably have to be JUST bitter lol. No top shelf either!

I love alcopops . I wish I didn't, they make you fat.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
From my way of thinking if a persons home is invaded for a purpose of either burglary or doing harm then the household should be able to use as much force as he or she wants especially if children are involved, people who enter your home unlawfully should have no rights what so ever, but we all know that isn't the cast although more people are having any charges drop after home invasion, to me its simple if your somewhere for illegal purposes then there should be no get out close, you get what you deserve
I agree (threadjack).

What effect would plastic glasses have on the environemnt? I suppose it would depend on what TYPE of plastic they were made of. Reusable ones would be a good idea rather than the ones that just get chucked in the bin? Or the sorts of plastic that are readily recyclable...I don't know enough about this. I will have to stick my nose in some research.
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
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