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Old 11-09-2012, 09:37   #6
Resting in Peace
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Re: hillsborough disaster

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
...a war that was completely unnecessary. The Thatcher government's move to have fences installed at major football grounds was stupid and ill-judged but even they couldn't have forseen Hillsborough. Blair knew perfectly well that launching a war would result in the deaths of British servicemen and many Iraqis but he still went ahead, because he wanted to further his status as a world statesman.

Mancie, lad, I think you're on a non-starter accusing Thatcher of "killing" Liverpool fans (despite her many other sins) and I think you're doing it to divert attention from the fact that that the party you support harbours a potential war criminal.
No potential about it in my book
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