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Old 11-09-2012, 10:34   #10
Wynonie Harris
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Re: hillsborough disaster

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
By shielding the true culprits, and shifting the blame onto the innocent, she was guilty of abuse of power of the worst order. Some of the ways she did it, eg influencing subsequent police reports, coroners inquests and inquiries, etc MUST be brought out, so that history can judge her as the person she really was.
Wouldn't dispute that, but that doesn't constitute "near manslaughter" as Mancie's contending. Also, there equally needs to be a full enquiry into the Iraq war, the WMD dossier and Blair's conduct. In fact, I'd go further and say Blair needs to be brought to trial. But I don't suppose you'd agree with that as you don't think Blair's a liar, so presumably you believe everything he's said about the war.
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