Originally Posted by Less
Was in what? the Hillsborough disaster or the Iraqi war?

Lol somebody else I told about it said that EXACT same thing!Lol.

Yes H\borough. He was a proper mess, has never worked since. Lost his father in it. Not sure why Ms Martyr here decided it was a good idea to get involved, nobody to blame but myself! I won't go into it heavily unless anybody wants to know but he wasn't right, I suffered a lot due to it. Perhaps I should claim to have PTSD myself

(I'm joking).
Originally Posted by gynn
Thatcher´s sin wasn´t in insisting on high fences - her intention there was for safety following a string of pitch invasions throughout the eighties which could themselves have resulted in people getting killed.
Her sin was in not recognising (or not wanting to recognise) that the Hillsborough disaster was caused by the disastrous implementation of the fences - no escape routes, police trained for riots rather than dealing with accidents, and appallingly inept leadership of the police on the day.
By shielding the true culprits, and shifting the blame onto the innocent, she was guilty of abuse of power of the worst order. Some of the ways she did it, eg influencing subsequent police reports, coroners inquests and inquiries, etc MUST be brought out, so that history can judge her as the person she really was.
And as for the Sun, I can put my hand on my heart and say that I have never ever bought it since 1989, and the sight of the odious Kelvin McKenzie on TV still always makes me reach for the off switch. I´m not remotely interested in anything that abominable man has to say.
Phew! Rant over!    
It's as if the disaster isn't the acutal disaster. The disaster is, the means of 'covering it up', the blaming those who had no control. I know from the aforementioned dullard I dated, that the campaigning etc,and the issues people could not come to terms with, were focused on the authorities and their lack of sympathy, scapegoating, rather than the happenings thsmselves.
I brought 'The Sun' home by mistake once. I used to work in a club where newspapers were chucked out at the end of the day and I used to take them all home to read and then use to line the animal cages. When I got back, the room had been ransacked-Mr Hillsborough had found the paper and destroyed it, along with everything else in its path...