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Old 14-09-2012, 22:02   #34
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Re: Accrington Market Hall or Lancashire furniture?

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Yes, you change in the type of things you sell - obviously, you couldn't have a multitude of tripe stalls now, because very few (apart from me ) eat it. What you do NOT do is change the function of a market, which is to sell cheap and cheerful goods and wholesome, traditional foods at value for money prices - not provide a venue for performance art or empty spaces for people to sit and stare into space.

And, no, it's not a sign of the times. If it was, every town market would be a shadow of its former self and that is not the case. Go and take a look at Bury market - it's everything that Accrington market should be but isn't. The present problems of Accy market are caused by successive councils meddling with one of the main assets of the town.

I wholeheartedly agree -the market hall in accy and the arcade are amazing spaces -really beautiful and they are not used to their best. I used to go to the market with my mum every Saturday morning to do the shopping and we'd meet my grandparents at some point even if not planned -we also went to the library. It was buzzing with people doing their shopping -supermarkets have taken the heart out of the town...

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