Re: Accrington Market Hall or Lancashire furniture?
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Yes, you change in the type of things you sell - obviously, you couldn't have a multitude of tripe stalls now, because very few (apart from me  ) eat it. What you do NOT do is change the function of a market, which is to sell cheap and cheerful goods and wholesome, traditional foods at value for money prices - not provide a venue for performance art or empty spaces for people to sit and stare into space.
And, no, it's not a sign of the times. If it was, every town market would be a shadow of its former self and that is not the case. Go and take a look at Bury market - it's everything that Accrington market should be but isn't. The present problems of Accy market are caused by successive councils meddling with one of the main assets of the town. 
Our generation is spoiled Restless -if you were hungry you would have eaten it- it's also about habit and what was available...aso how much families had to spend - Try telling familes on benefits to save money by eating tripe these days 
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence