Originally Posted by cashman
Rubbish never done 9-5 Did 7 days 12 hour shifts when kids were young. plus i was a D.J. as many know fer near 30 yrs as well.
so whats rubbish, how i felt about my family?
you justified your own actions, and didnt have any guilt over working 7 12 hour shifts a week, that is personal to you, i wouldnt dream of questioning your justification, its personal to you.
by the same token, i dont see how you can dismiss my own feelings on the subject, when as i say its a personal opinion?
it just reinforces my point of the justification/guilt, you could justify it i couldn't, there are a few more "issues" at the time, that are too personal to go into on an open forum, they did however concern "quality of family life", and caused me guilt, that led directly to me resigning from a job, so whats rubbish?