Originally Posted by churchfcrules
so if and when you have children, on the moral scales, where will you fall, quality of life, or amount of money?
If I had an ideal situation, I would have both! Either a breadwinner (me or my partner, depending on who had most earning potential OR if I was single and could work part time hours for enough money, or my partner could do that, or we both could do that. I'm lucky that it isn't much of a worry to me-and also I really don't envision children in my future at all.
Originally Posted by churchfcrules
planning on watching a film in bout 20 mins if thats ok with everyone, red lights if anyone is interested, couple glasses of cider, so shant be able to keep the thread alive im afraid, if anyone feels like, giving it a little bit of mouth to mouth now n again for me that would be great,
What?!You're leaving YOUR thread?!
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
I would argue the fact that your job promotes questionable morals. Morals to a certain extent are subjective and I personally see nothing wrong with lap dancing. On the other hand, I once had a job over 40 years ago working for Accrington Corporation as a rodent control operative - ie, chucking rat poison down drains, which I'm sure you'd regard as highly immoral!
It just demonstrates personal opinion doesn't it. I'm not daft enough to think that rats should just be left to overtake a town, of course it makes me sad, though if I think about painful deaths of animals. Ideally they shouldn't be a problem, but litter, fast food outlets, throwaway society, supermarket ruling meaning that all unsold food has to be chucked...Leaves rats with an ideal environment in which to thrive, breed. I do blame a lot of it on humans. I blame most things on humans!
I wrote my first thesis on pornography and the feminist argument that it encourages rape. I argued predominantly against that opinion, that it does not and in some cases could actually prevent a rapist from acting on his/her pulsions-if it were found that lapdancing is of the same genre of 'adult entertainment' then it could be argued that it is actually a moralistic occupation (note this isn't MY opinion, I am just brainstorming here).
I sound far fetched I know, the point I am trying to make is sometimes a job that could be seen as unjust, there is often another side to it...Opposing that.