Originally Posted by sugarmouse0707
I wrote my first thesis on pornography and the feminist argument that it encourages rape. I argued predominantly against that opinion, that it does not and in some cases could actually prevent a rapist from acting on his/her pulsions-if it were found that lapdancing is of the same genre of 'adult entertainment' then it could be argued that it is actually a moralistic occupation (note this isn't MY opinion, I am just brainstorming here).
I sound far fetched I know, the point I am trying to make is sometimes a job that could be seen as unjust, there is often another side to it...Opposing that.
got up to get a drink lol
thought would carry out some cpr
i see your reasoning, and dont worry i often will argue the case that is not my opinion also, but i think that also comes into the justification/guilt thing i referred to, it also must be based on the primary motive, if the primary motive is money, is it fair to then use a secondary motive as an argument/justification?