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Old 16-09-2012, 22:48   #82
Wynonie Harris
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Re: morallity and employment

Originally Posted by sugarmouse0707 View Post
I wrote my first thesis on pornography and the feminist argument that it encourages rape. I argued predominantly against that opinion, that it does not and in some cases could actually prevent a rapist from acting on his/her pulsions-if it were found that lapdancing is of the same genre of 'adult entertainment' then it could be argued that it is actually a moralistic occupation (note this isn't MY opinion, I am just brainstorming here).
I sound far fetched I know, the point I am trying to make is sometimes a job that could be seen as unjust, there is often another side to it...Opposing that.
I suppose the feminist argument is that lap dancing encourages men to regard women as sex objects and therefore makes them likely to commit rape. Personally I think that's a load of bunkum and the sort of bloke that's going to commit rape will do it, lap dancing or no lap dancing.

The other argument from the "moral majority" types is that lap dancing ensnares dumb, desperate girls who are exploited and abused by their employers and customers. The fact that you're self-assured, educated and very much at ease with yourself blows that one out of the water!
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