Originally Posted by churchfcrules
got up to get a drink lol
thought would carry out some cpr
i see your reasoning, and dont worry i often will argue the case that is not my opinion also, but i think that also comes into the justification/guilt thing i referred to, it also must be based on the primary motive, if the primary motive is money, is it fair to then use a secondary motive as an argument/justification?
Yes I think that's human nature. If you do a job because you need a job, and you know you are going to get judged, you try find some other justifications or counter arguments. Not just with jobs, actually but everything. Not always, sometimes it's genuine and not a justification, but often.For example I smoked until recently.Always American Spirit organic tobacco but I am actually rejected from the vegan meetups that I used to go to because I smoked, therefore I am seen as a)damaging my immidiate environment, passive smoking etc, and animal testing is done constantly to gain knowledge on the minimisation of tobacco damage-so I am part of that. I used to justify it by saying things like 'I am destroying the stereotype that vegans are all health freaks, and I am a party animal who drinks and smokes-I show that vegans aren't all tree hugging teetotal hippies' and stuff. Sure I do beleive in all that stuff-but would I say it and emphasise it, if I wasn't already opposed for doing it?
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
I suppose the feminist argument is that lap dancing encourages men to regard women as sex objects and therefore makes them likely to commit rape. Personally I think that's a load of bunkum and the sort of bloke that's going to commit rape will do it, lap dancing or no lap dancing.
The other argument from the "moral majority" types is that lap dancing ensnares dumb, desperate girls who are exploited and abused by their employers and customers. The fact that you're self-assured, educated and very much at ease with yourself blows that one out of the water! 
Yes, I can see that argument-it works and it has a point to the uneducated and ignorant majority-they are a majority!
Personally, I think rape is nowt to do with sex. It's about power, control, insecurity...Most of the time at least.
Thanks for the compliment

I don't know, what people want to think is that dancers do the job because they're troubled, unconfident, 'too stupid to get a real job'.. Forced into it by their pimp!...
I have met a lot of troubled girls who dance. Many dancers I know well have insecurities and issues and need to work on their confidence.
Many PEOPLE I know have insecurities, issues and a need to work on their confidence.
I also know dancers who are self assured , happy, well-rounded individuals who know a good job when they find one.
Originally Posted by MargaretR
I consider that the men who watch are the exploited ones 
Lol I say this tongue in cheek sometimes. If somebody wants to pay X amount of money to see what I see everyday in the mirror or the shower, then who am I to argue?
People need money, they need tools to make money whether that be literally tools, or labour and time, strength, brains...
I just use what I was born with.