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Old 19-09-2012, 14:15   #38
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Two Policewomen killed.

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Margaret while I respect your views and see what you mean you would not think the same if you were on the inside with no prospect of release.

For many years I visited such a person in prisons large and small, harsh and not so harsh, and received regular correspondence from him in which a lot more was said than at the visits. In the end he did away with himself not because of his crime but because of his situation. I don't know the exact nature of his crime and neither does Richard but he was Richard's best friend at school. They drifted apart when Richard moved but when Richard heard about it he started visiting, this was before I met Richard.

And you know I respect your views too......everyone has a right to have an opinion.......but in my personal view...and it is personal to me.
If someone takes the life of another person...and that is proved beyond reasonable doubt, then they have no right to expect to receive compassion.....they have no rights at all....they gave them up(of free choice) when they took a life......they do not deserve anything other than the basics to maintain life...their life should contain no pleasure...and they should be locked away with no possibility of release for their crime.

The families of these two young women(who were serving their local community) will have no release, ever, from their grief.

These young women, whose lives were snuffed out by a calculated act of criminality, will never become mothers, never make their parents grandparents...they have been robbed of so many things that are seen as a 'human right', by this man...why should he have any human rights when he has taken theirs?

Do you really believe that prison can rehabilitate men who commit crimes such as this? I don't and I think this man knows that there is little to be feared in the way British justice is administered......he can be out and walking among us in 15 years(or even less).
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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