Thread: The Tories
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Old 19-09-2012, 15:02   #1922
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Thumbs up Re: The Tories

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I rarely post in political threads (and some of you wish I never did,but that's beside the point).
I can see most people getting angry about political decisions.

The reason I can feel 'detatched' about it is because I have learned that all politicians are obliged to conform to 'the party line' whether they like it or not. They are bribed, threatened and often blackmailed into conforming.

Even the leaders are told what to do by the unelected elite, who have amassed so much 'wealth' in fiat money that money has no meaning any more (not that it ever did in the first place). They just enjoy being puppet masters controlling world events.

So there is no point in getting stressed over politics unless you are willing to sacrifice yourself in a revolution and the anarchy that it would invoke. Even a revolution may not end a corrupt system - didn't work in Russia.

The population cull is underway and the weakest have been targeted - the sick, the disabled. the old and the unskilled. If you happen to be one of those 'useless eaters' (Rumsfeld quote) then you are likely to be shed by this uncaring society which has been socially engineered to consider you as parasites. You have a choice of how to die - starvation, hypothermia, inadequate medical care, and (eventually) assisted suicide.

So what can us weak ones do? - try the Ghandi way - peaceful non-cooperation, which means don't vote, don't take part in government surveys, and any other way of not cooperating which you may think of which doesn't risk your life and liberty. Did I say liberty? - that's a joke - we are more watched and controlled than any society ever was, and we accept it 'for our safety'. Safety? that's another joke - who/what made you feel unsafe - engineered terrorism, breakdown of society which has been caused by - you guessed it - your government.

So instead of arguing which party is least likely to screw you next time - withdraw giving consent to any of them.
Excellent post!!! I particularly like the bit about being watched for our own good. My view entirely. Governments all over the world and throughout history have been using the bogeyman in order to control their own people and weaken their rights. I think Orwells 1984 highlighted that.
All we have in this country (and probably less so in the US) is a choice between two bad options. Revolution doesn't work because, as Pirsig puts it in his Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance, unless we re-evaluate our whole way of thinking and doing things that which we overthrow will only be replaced by something very similar.
Again, nice, thoughtful post.
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