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Old 19-09-2012, 15:26   #43
Margaret Pilkington
Beacon of light

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Re: Two Policewomen killed.

Originally Posted by churchfcrules View Post
devils advocate: what about the criminals families rights, they have committed no crime, do they have a right to see the relative?

or just as the victims family should suffer, so should their own, as part of the punishment?
I understand the devil's advocate thing we have had this question before.
If this were my brother I would disown him........yes the families of the criminals do suffer....and their suffering is not of their own making and it is(if they are decent folk) tinged with shame an embarassment too.
I cannot comment on this chap, it does seem from what is reported, that he had a chequered criminal background.
My sypathies lie with those who are bereaved...their grief will be the hardest.
Their girls were doing a job.....keeping the community safe...they were executed.

And to those who lionise this man on the Facebook pages......calling him a hero, and linking these girls deaths with retribution for the Hillsborough does that work out?
Are these two WPC's guilty by association - despite the fact that one of them would have been 9 at the time and the other one possible a babe in arms, or not even born??

There is definitely a criminal underclass who are about in our towns.......who knows who is the next to be caught in the crossfire of these thugs?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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