Originally Posted by Houseboy
I think you'll find that the economy fared rather well under Blaire and rather less so under Major. It's not actually doing very well at the moment either. Last I heard we were in the middle of a double-dip recession with things getting worse whilst many other economies are slightly on the up. And don't start about the fault lying with the last Labour government, this lot have been in power too long for that now. As I have posted before, Thatcher was still blaming Labour for the countries ills four years in to her time in power.
It's what the Tories do. "We are still clearing up the mess left by the last government", should be the Tory motto.
It's never their fault is it?????
Even the international financial community says they're getting it wrong but will they listen? Of course not!!!
All well and good when your borrowing money hand over fist and leaving debts for others to clean up, and lets face it how much did Gordon sell all our gold for, to fritter away