Originally Posted by churchfcrules
where was i "pretending to be a mod"?, i was simply posting on an open forum
and warning a fellow member that they may receive an infraction, as previously stated by the site admin.
just because you dont like what i have to say, as i have said before, hit the ignore button, or suffer it, simples
as for the insult being on an open forum, it was deleted, so why clutter up the forum with more of the same bile, keep i personal between you both, not public demands of the person gracious enough to admit they were in the wrong and apologise.
why feel the need to degrade someone
With posts like this, who are you to decide what I post needs your input so far as what I will or won't get an infraction for?
As for the ignore button, you never have anything pleasant to say so far as my input, perhaps you should press that button? I don't need to ignore you I'll answer any of your mithering little posts because you are like a fart in a bucket just a bit of passing wind or is that wind being passed? See I'm having to correct myself in case you do.