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Old 20-09-2012, 19:37   #18
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Re: Problem Gambling

many many moons ago i worked for skinner, and i remember him going mad because he had put a free coach on to the bingo, from harwood and someone put a big sign in saying ******* bingo bus

he said he would get done for advertising, now its all you see on some channels.

was gambling a bigger problem back then, the same, or better?

if i remember right, its roughly when they brought the lottery in that they changed the rules on advertising, as this made it worse

personally, i have the "odd" bet (once every 6 months), do the lottery (once a fortnight), dont play bandits

my money is hard to come by, so i dont like "wasting it", as i never win 8ugger all.

strange how all of these things that are bad for us raise millions for the government, wonder if its a don't play on the canal syndrome?
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