Originally Posted by BERNADETTE
Theres a surprise for us not, only in this country would so many bloody appeals be granted. We really are a laughing stock 
That's probably not true, hon. You will find that in the US, whose justice system Hamza seems to be so afraid of, there are more avenues of appeal than there are in the UK. If he is extremely lucky, he will end up in Gitmo ... although he doesn't seem to fit the bill. The American justice system bends over backwards ... in fact, it contorts itself ... to guarantee the accused a fair trial. Starting with Miranda, there are strict rules that the appropriate Attorney General's dept. and police force has to conform to. I would hazzard a guess that more criminals walk on the basis of technicalities in the US than do so in Britain. This guy will be allowed to appeal all the way to the US Supreme Court; even to the President himself ... although it could be "herself", as by the time he is convicted it could be President Hilary Clinton or President Michelle Obama
There's a lot more to the US Justice System than hard time and the Chair.