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Old 27-09-2012, 00:12   #11
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Re: Anybody else do runs/treks?

Originally Posted by Spider61 View Post
After many lay offs due to injury, illness, work and family commitments I am now building up my running distance.
Did 6.5miles last night in the cooling rain. Next run Friday.
I will not be satisfied until I can do at least 12 miles, twice a week.

I am a good walker and will not do less than 20miles. This I find I can do without any long term training. For further distances I will build up and would do 30 miles in the time it takes me to do the 20 miles now.
Furthest walked in one go is 100miles in 35 hours. This is an organised event with check points.

Get training as this walk is being held in this part of the country in 2015. possibly starting north of Bury and possibly going up Pendle Hill at around the 50mile mark.
I am going to have a look at that!Well done on the commitment!
I agree, I prefer to run in rain than when it's sweltering hot, even though it seems worse at first, after I'm warmed up and relaxed into the run I am glad of the rain.

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
prefer to do my walking in the summer. Can't stand the cold and the rain. Darwen is a nice walk. Walk through Bold venture park and then up to Darwen Tower. You can see Yorkshire from up there on a nice day and of course there is the coppice
I need to check this out too-all my runs are usually in Yorkshire. Got a log here but it needs updating done a few more since Facebook

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
Our favourite walk with MAX is around turton and Entwistle Reservoir and linking it with Wyoh Reservoir finishing a the Strawberry Duck for a Sandwich and a Pint.
Strawberry duck what a name! Take it your dog is your namesake-what are collies like as a pet, I've never had one. I had a Collie cross, who was from a feral father and an abandoned mother. Lovely dog, very restless and naughty as a youngster though!
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
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