Originally Posted by jaysay
Can't stand the likes of Paris Hilton who carry these little dogs about in handbags as a fashion accessory, they should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals 
Totally agree. Jay, totally agree.
If a dog is stuck in a handbag being carried around the shops what use is that. When does it get to sniff it's environment? How does it get exercise? How is it able to enjoy life in it's own dog way, meeting and playing with other dogs (maybe even occasionally fighting, hey that's dog life also)? When is it allowed to smell like a dog instead of being covered in "doggy shampoo" and probably even "dog perfume"? Have these "owners" never smelled the smell of wet dog after a walk in the rain or the dog having a swim in the stream? Are they never allowed to get dirty and then cause havoc in the house because they have sneaked in before you have got the towel to wipe them down?
Not everything is rosey in the dog owners world. They do irritate when they won't stop barking after they've seen a cat in the garden, when someone knocks on next doors door, when they are pestering for a walk and the weather outside is so bad that Noah would be building an ark. It's not great when you fall over them on the stairs or when they are costing a Kings ransom at the vets, or when the wagging tail has just brushed your new, wet paintwork.
But all this doesn't matter. What matters is that a dog is a companion to be loved under all conditions. Even a working dog is a friend and workmate.
You are right, Jay, these people are not fit to look after semi-wild animals just so they can have a trophy to show their friends in Oscar de la Renta or Georgio Armani.