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Old 27-09-2012, 19:12   #13
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re: Does it pay to work? - Workfare

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
They give you work trials for experience, something else to put on your c.v, it's only like doing voluntary work

i started a 4 week training placement in February, i loved it that much that i am still there 7 months later, not because i have to be but because i choose to be, i get no expences paid, no bus fares, no dinner but i'm not moaning about it, i love being able to get out and meet new people, this will not lead to any permanent work from them but it is doing a lot for my self esteem, although i am on the dole i can hold my head high and say i don't sit on my arse 24/7
Not being flippant, and fair play to you for doing this, and this is an honest question, are you keeping someone else from getting that experience by continuing to work there, or do they have more than one training placement?

Nobody on these schemes should be out of pocket....local politicians claim expenses, MP's with their guaranteed golden pension schemes claim expenses....but poor Rob has to fork out for his own expenses from his £71 weekly pittance. Disgusting!
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