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Old 27-09-2012, 20:14   #23
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re: Does it pay to work? - Workfare

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
i know what you're saying Guinness, i work in a secondhand bookshop, i'm just in the background of it now, teaching and mentoring other trainees, i now have retail experience, cash handling, till work, coffee shop experience, mentoring and customer service experience, all thanx to what started off as 4 weeks unpaid work
And I agree it has given you a sense of purpose, self esteem, a feeling of being back in the workforce etc..etc.. which is really great, and I genuinely applaud what you are doing... but ultimately the bookshop owner/charity directors are taking the sweat from your brow and turning it into hard cash for themselves.

This is typical of Camerons 'big society', the rich get richer on the backs of volunteers and the forced to work unemployed. They have no employer national insurance or tax to pay, no concerns over holiday pay, no concern over working time directives, no concerns about employment fact they are laughing all the way to the bank, and those in work sneer at those who are out of work who refuse to take part in these schemes, and call them workshy layabouts.

Those that are 'genuinely' out of work have no real chance of getting a job, because all the jobs are filled with volunteers and forced to work unemployed.

You are currently doing something you obviously love (comes across in your post), however you also say you have no chance of being taken on full time....the vacancy is obviously there, but you have no chance because they can fill the position with a volunteer or another work experience forced to work unemployed person. This is what is inherently wrong with Camerons ideal!
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