Thread: vaccine shot
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Old 10-10-2012, 09:22   #104
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS View Post
no the only thing i'm afraid of sue is folk willingly line up arms at the ready,no questions asked,just because the Dr recommeneds it. i'm also afraid the white coat mafia are using folk as guinea pigs and possibly creating unseen problems further down the line which there not even liable for because they paid someone off for immunity

Are these the same folk that you want to frighten away from having a potentially life saving injection, you know the vulnerable members of society?
They line up because they maybe do think for themselves and aren't prepared to be swayed by the garbage you attempt to spread.
I think, notice that phrase in case you didn't I'll repeat it, I think your first post was just an excuse to start a thread a 'I'm against conventional medicine and the accepted establishment'.
I further think that your second post:-

Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS View Post
i'm still in 2minds about it as i've been led to believe they dumb us down if thats the right termanology.
Is a complete fabrication, you aren't in two minds about it, you had already decided, but wanted a soap box on which to stand and spread your ridiculous theories.

We've heard these claims before from far more articulate people than yourself, please, if you don't want the jab then don't have it but why try to scaremonger others to your way of thinking?
Most people aren't sheep following conventional ways anymore than they are sheep ready to be convinced by your half baked and poorely demonstrated ideas.
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