Re: Sir! Would you like a milkshake?
At Moorhead 89-94 we had an art teacher named Mr Williamson. He was a bully. The stories I have heard are horrendous. I posted on a forum about schools and read many things that he has done or accused of. He made boys kneel on pencils. Made boys kneel on hot pipes leading to radiator. Held a lads head in the slop bucket in the clay room several times.... list goes on.
My experience with him was this; He was shouting at me about my Art. I was scared and replied "I can't draw" he picked me up by my ear and twisted and and held it t and said something about talking back to him. Held it like that for well over a minute. Do I respect him? Do I hell. If I saw him now I don't know what I would do. I am not really a violent person. But thinking of him makes me angry and sad that a piece of garbage like him was a teacher.
There was many teachers at Moorhead that was stern and wouldn't take any crap; that I looked up to and respected and do still to this day.
On the other hand. For many lessons I was placed in a class with not so good kids. We had an English teacher Miss Elliot that asked a lad once to open to page10 and he said "f off ya b" and this would happen everytime. She would run out of the class crying. A few of the lads was like this. We ended up with a stand in teacher that made us copy text out of books.
One lad I read that he is now a heroin addict and is in prison. Go figure