Originally Posted by susie123
Well this post certainly shows where you're coming from, thank you for that.
I assume the last paragraph was addressed to me. No I've never had children but I would have them vaccinated if I had. Don't want them growing up too smart do we?
I see you got your list from our friend Dr Mercola, I love the way he cites "a variety of resources" without naming any of them, but we shouldn't be surprised, this is par for the course for this sort of article.
BTW I think you can knock off Alzheimer's and Parkinson's from the diseases you mentioned in an earlier post. Even Dr Mercola does not include these. And another website which copies and pastes his list has this to say:
Most neurological disorders which are vaccine-induced are studied in recently vaccinated children. Although adults are not without neurological injuries from vaccinations, the neurological damage that develops may not be seen until many years later. If a condition takes years to develop then vaccines will generally not be linked to disorder.
Don't Mangage Autism - END IT
I presume that last sentence is referring to children, because if it is talking about adults it rather contradicts the previous sentence. Anyway, as one doesn't see children with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, they are obviously not causd by vaccines.
Surprise surprise this website is linked to one selling a program that claims to cure autism!
This list was generated from a variety of resources and is not, by any means, all inclusive.
the last sentence is referring to children, while were on the subject whats your view on unvaccinated children walking sooner, talking sooner, and having a high degree of manual dexterity at an earlier age?