Thread: Licence's
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Old 13-10-2012, 08:38   #22
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Licence's

Originally Posted by annesingleton View Post
If you are such an anarchist, do you pay your rent/mortgage, council tax, utility bills etc? If not are you not very cold and living in a tent or squat? You have to be able to stand by your principles or they are meaningless.
In the eighties I did the poll tax protest to the point where I beat the bailiffs but was about to be sent to prison, by which time the poll tax had been withdrawn and I agreed to pay a nominal amount. I was protesting about a principle which I genuinely felt was wrong (but knew how far I was prepared to go, call me a coward for not following it through to the end but I cared more about my children's wellbeing.) I'm actually proud of the fact that I was part of overturning an unjust system.
I don't think that you can just not pay your TV licence because you don't want to, if you genuinely don't agree sort out a proper protest, don't rely on the people who appear in Court for non payment who usually have more personal rather than political reasons for non payment.
I think you may be looking for a cause to protest against which you have not found. You can't rebel for the sake of it.
Thing wi these people, many ive met oer the years. I find em to be be "False Alarms" or "Well Off " but gone oer the edge in the main. Most of em can also talk a glass eye to sleep. My remedy is to occasionaly poke wi stick (just fer my entertainment) but in the main, leave em too it.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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