With all the recent revelations:
1.Are rapist's,pedo's running our country?
2.Are rapist's,pedo's running our church,boy scouts,hospitals,schools?
3.Are rapist's,pedo's running any institution which they would be able to perpetrate, rape upon defenceless and vulnerable kids?
4.Are rapist's,pedo's watching each others backs working their way into postions of power and influance so that rapist's,pedo's are not invesagated,evidence lost,crimes covered up?...........
Sorry what i meant to say is:
With all the recent revelations:
are running our country
are running our church,boy scouts,hospitals,schools
are running any institution which they would be able to perpetrate, rape upon defenceless and vulnerable kids
are watching each others backs working their way into postions of power and influance so that rapist's,pedo's are not invesagated,evidence lost,crimes covered up