Thread: Ossy wind farm
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Old 04-11-2012, 19:31   #19
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Re: Ossy wind farm

Originally Posted by SteveKJ View Post
I've also written to the BBC to confirm no current problems with Winter Hill And will then follow up with council. The planning application for the wind farm is available online fron Council website and one of the conditions was a contingency fund to be allowed for by construction firm to rectify TV reception problems so there is a tacit admission that the turbines can interfere with reception. One thing I have noticed is that the interference is predominantly during the day and early evening but clears up during the evening later presumably when no construction work or testing is happening.
Yes I only notice it when any of the turbines are turning.I f you pm me with your email I can forward the emails I have got from my councillor with the details of who is dealing with it
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